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Beverly Hills
436 N. Bedford Dr, Suite 218
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Vampire Facelift

Vampire Facelift Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Glendale CA

Dr.  Martin Stepanyan is pleased to offer the Vampire Facelift® Procedure, which combines the science of hyaluronic acid fillers (i.e., Restylane and Juvederm), unipotent stem cells, and beauty to provide a custom designer procedure. Dr. Stepanyan is one of a limited number of providers who have been made privy to the trade secrets of how the three sciences discussed above are combined in a specific way.

This procedure is specific and determined by the US Patent and Trademark office to be unique and original and is protected by the registered trademark: Vampire Facelift.

Read below for more information, and call our office at (818) 551-0088  or fill out our online form for a consultation with Dr. Stepanyan.

Vampire Facelift - Stepanyan Surgical Arts Center
Vampire Facelift Before and After Profile - Stepanyan Surgical Arts Center

Aging Skin

The skin color changes because of less underlying blood flow.
The shape becomes collapsed and droopy as muscle and collagen decrease.
The texture of the skin becomes less smooth. As a result, the person looks worn, or tired or droopy.
The lively, rosy hue seen in children of every skin color fades to a dull gray.

Treatment Pros & Cons

With so many ways to improve the face and with countless products and procedures available, why look for a better way?

Although there can be a place for a surgical facelift, such procedures are not necessarily a panacea or cure-all to the concerns of the aging face. Cosmetic surgery when needed can remove excess skin and make the person appear younger. However, a surgical facelift can actually contribute to a face collapse as the skin stretches tighter against the bone making the person look skeletonized.

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With hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, the face is truly lifted away from the bone and youthful volume can be restored to a beautiful shape. With that in mind, the HA fillers should not be used around specific areas near the eye. Furthermore, the injector must be careful to avoid creating a shape that looks foreign to the persons face or even foreign to this planet. Also, the HA fillers are not extremely effective for improving skin tone and texture.

Beverly Hills Vampire Face Lift Procedure

The first part of the Vampire Facelift Procedure utilizing HA fillers to begin sculpting specific areas of the face. The glycosaminoglycans (what an HA filler replaces) act like a sponge that holds water in the face providing a basic shape. This initial injection of HA is the precursor to the ultimate desired form. Next comes the polishing and refining step of the sculpting process which ultimately contributes to the appearance of a younger version of you.

Creating Platelet-Rich Plasma in Los Angeles

Within a matter of minutes, your practitioner can create autologous, which means from you to you, PRP and activate your stem cells for the Vampire Facelift Procedure.

Heres how:

First: the practitioner draws a similar amount of blood required for a basic lab test.

Second: the practitioner places the blood into a centrifuge and spins the blood at a very rapid rate to separate the platelets from the other components of the blood.

Third: The platelets are activated by using one of two methods that are natural to your body. This activation of platelets is the final step in producing your very own platelet-rich plasma. The best way to visualize PRP is to remember the yellow goo that surrounded the scab you had when you fell on your knee as a child. The thickening of the serum to form that yellow material holds specific growth factors in place that call stem cells to the area and activates them to create new skin.

Surgical Laser Skin Treatment - Stepanyan Surgical Arts Center
Stepanyan Surgical Arts

Specializing in Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Martin Stepanyan is a Board Certified surgeon with over 15 years of excellent education, extensive training and over 22 years of successful practice in the field of Cosmetic & 
Reconstructive Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Activating 8 Growth Factors in Glendale CA

Platelet-rich plasma is similar to HA fillers because it can be injected to sculpt the face. But, heres the best part: not only does the PRP cause an increase in the volume, PRP contains at least 8 growth factors that will over a long period of time, continually work like a rejuvenating agent.

By activating these growth factors, all three parts of the aging process improve:

  • The skin color becomes a younger color because of new blood vessel formation.
  • New collagen formations in the dermis lifts the face back to a more youthful shape.
  • Because the growth factors are working to build a new dermis, the epidermis (the outer most layers of your skin) appears smoother.

The Science Of Pure Beauty

The third and final part of the Vampire Facelift Procedure implements the science and mathematics of pure beauty. As far back as Leonardo da Vinci up until the present day, physicians, scientists and artists have worked to define what shapes, contours and proportions make a face more beautiful.

The challenge becomes how to take a face and bring out that which is beautiful, without creating a shape that appears unnatural. In the art and science of pure beauty, millimeters are miles. Therefore, the physician employs the ideas of artists and scientists who have deeply studied beauty when considering where and how much HA filler and growth factor to apply. Although this third component is the most difficult, it is to be.

Achieve A Natural Look

Is The Vampire Facelift Procedure in Beverly Hills Right For You?

The procedure may be too much for some and not enough for others, but you don’t need to wonder. Simply contact Stepanyan Surgical Arts Center and tell them that you’ve been to They will know that you understand the procedure and will quickly arrange a cosmetic evaluation based upon these powerful ideas about restoring beauty! Experience the journey of the Vampire FaceLift with an expert by your side!
Learn more about the Vampire Face Lift Procedure by visiting

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